Friday, March 27, 2009

dream sequence

Well, I have 31 hours until I will be arriving at the airport to take off on the single most exciting adventure of my life so far.  I have been dreaming of this trip ever since the day I muttered by first french words....10 years ago. Wow, it seems so strange... 10 years. It feels like so long ago, but to say 10 years... that is approximately half my lifetime.  
Regardless, I feel like it is still so far away. I cannot seem to wrap my mind around the concept.  I feel as though it is still just a dream, intangible.  Here I am sitting in a dark theatre space waiting for my final moments of my DePaul Theatre School career to tick away slowing and wondering just what it will be like to no longer be a part of this place that has consumed my life (99.9% of all my energy) for the past four years.  There is something about being in the dark watching players on a stage with such a life altering experience hours away that feels anything but real.  Any minute I will be waking up to the house lights coming up and returning to my apartment to clean or something.  Granted this will still be occurring but will be followed by something more exciting than an episode of CSI and takeout from Pat's Pizzeria.  

I am nervous, shaking really.  I have yet again become rusty in the language having not used it, or chickened out on using it in the past week and a half.  Luckily, The flight will be slightly french speaking.  I find it much easier to transition if I can simply sit and eavesdrop... which I do quite a bit...

31 hours and counting...   


  1. Dear Vanessa,
    We are so excited for you. We can almost feel the goose-bumps on your arm. We will be thinking of you and wondering what you are doing at that very moment.
    Have fun, make new friends, soak up the culture, plan your return trip (no we mean the one to France).
    We love you and we are very proud of you,
    Dad & Carol

  2. beaucoup des fotos! and keep it clean......we'll be following your every move, so details, details, details........bon voyage!
